
HYPER TRAMP! 4wk series (Tuesdays) (1/4)
with HyperBody

January 7 (Tuesday)
at 5:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Hyper TRAMP!  -  4 week TUESDAY series 

5:30pm @ the Innovation Center of VT

Dance fitness on mini trampolines! Easy to follow high energy bounce routines. Rebounding is low impact but gets your heart rate up and boosts lymphatic circulation! All levels welcome. Optional stability bars available to attach to your tramp if needed. Socks or bare feet recommended. We will work on the same bounce routines throughout the series and progress together! Locker rooms & water fountain on site.


The studio is located on the first floor of the Innovation Center of Vermont (a very large old mill building) just off Pine Street in Burlington at 128 Lakeside Avenue. Plenty of visitor parking in the lot. When you get to the building take the second driveway on the right before the train tracks. Go in the main entrance, take a left, studio is located halfway down the corridor.  There will be a sandwich board out front and lots of blacklights & music inside! 

Text me if needed 503-757-5242

If you can’t make it to all 4, I am allowing 1 makeup class where you can attend my strength training class on WED night 5:30pm in the same studio

This class is part of a series.
You may also sign up for the entire series of classes: HYPER TRAMP! 4wk series (Tuesdays)


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Making a reservation on this page will only register you for this individual class, not the entire series of classes.

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